Pick Up Your Fresh Tree
Open All December
2024 Onsite from Fri 29th November
Burnley Circus Park, 
Swan Street, 
Burnley VIC 3122
Phone: 0413654001

Once a year Australia goes crazy at Christmas time.

Late night shopping, holidays, break up parties and houses and even whole streets ablaze with party lights.

All through December we see cars of all shapes and sizes darting around with FRESH CHRISTMAS TREES protruding from the boot, tied on the roof rack or in the back of a Ute, heading for home to start the Celebrations.

At our REAL CHRISTMAS TREE Burnley Drive In site we see all sorts of Christmas characters picking up their tree, some are more organised than others but some just need to get their tree regardless of protocol.

We have had customers take their tree home on the tram, on their bike, in their Dune Buggy or sticking out the roof of their tiny Fiat 500. As long as they get their FRESH CHRISTMAS TREE home, transport is the least of their worries.

The Tradie who roars into the site, desperate on his last day of work for the year to get the tree that he has been promising his wife and leaving with a happy smile that he can still get such a great tree even though he has left it till the last minute.

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The photos will also show how any tree will fit into your car, of course our friendly helpers will carry the tree to your car and ensure it is safe and secure before you hit the road home.

The best thing with all our customers is the ease with which they get their FRESH CHRISTMAS TREE from our Burnley Drive In site. Situated between Hawthorn and Richmond and the closest REAL CHRISTMAS TREE site to the Melbourne CBD, we are the most convenient and accessible FRESH CHRISTMAS TREE site in Melbourne.

Our customers can virtually drive right up to their tree selection area, walk amongst a huge selection, smell the fresh pine aroma, stand next to any tree and check sizes and shape, taking as much time as required in a safe environment where the kids can run around.

We will load your tree and you are on your way.

I’m not sure whether the girl on the tram had to pay a fare for her tree, I will ask her this Christmas when she comes in.  

Pick Up Your Fresh Tree
Open All December
2024 Onsite from Fri 29th November
Burnley Circus Park, 
Swan Street, 
Burnley VIC 3122
Phone: 0413654001

For All Inquires & Bookings
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